Tuesday, May 18, 2010

American Idol bullshit. Grrr

Get stuffed.  As I'm waffling back and forth between Crystal Bowersox and Lee Whatsisname, Lee sings Halelujiah (sp?) by Cohen.

Know what? Go eff yerself.  And the judges get all 'wet in the panties' talking about how great it was.  Fakk aff, that song has been exploited to no end by every second-rate sack of shit that ever sang a goddam note. 

I call bullshit times 10 times one million - thats's what you use that gift for?  Booo ...

I'd vote for a 4th grader playing a cocksucking kazoo to the theme of 'Gilligan's Island' after that, bitch.

Go Crystal.  You ain't gonna win, but go hard anyway.  It's a fakking crime ...

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