Monday, March 29, 2010

Anyone watch "Breaking Bad"?

Impressive, dark, disturbing, apalling and .... funny.  If you watch it, you know what I'm sayin. If you don't, well, you can go to AMC's website where they have an awesome 'catch up to date' link, and various video from past episodes. 

Season 3, episode 2 trivia:
In a pathetic attemp to start a dialogue with his estranged wife Skylar, Walt shows up at the door at dinner time to drop off his son, carrying the biggest effin pizza I've ever seen.  I thought he was delivering a high-def TV of above average size.  The awkwardness of the moment was palpable as Skylar icily blows him off with every ugly weapon in a betrayed woman's arsenal (which is considerable).  You couldn't a pulled a needle out of that woman's butt with a tractor.

Beaten, he turns away carrying the giant pizza back to his car. But, in a bitter outburst of frustration, he lets go with an angry cry and hurls the pizza toward the garage where, having shed the cardboard box entirely, it lands perfectly, rooftop, cheese-side up.

Walt's departure is filmed now via a roof-cam, with the pizza in the foreground.

Well folks, I like to pissed *and* shit my pants.  The.funniest.moment.on.TV - this year if not longer.  A 'nuthin but net' pizza three-pointer from a guy who's so white his last name *is* white.
And for the rest of the episode (which was coming to a very suspenseful conclusion), all persons approaching the house are viewed from the pizza cam - the private detective, the mexican assassins - all glance at the now-decaying pizza on the roof, as if to glean something meaningful from it's presence.


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